Excerpt from the statutes of Material & Effect e.V. Berlin, 1981

Purpose of the association

1. The purpose of the association is to examine materials and their effects according to emotional, functional, intuitive, discursive, coincidental and cultural aspects and ways of acting, to promote such investigations, to make results, forms of investigation and states, processes and situations accessible and these document facts.

2. Materials are understood to mean all things, substances, connections, systems and structures in natural, artificial and cultural space.
Effects are understood to mean all intellectual, perceptual and experiential qualities that emanate from or lead to these materials.

The world is all that is the case. (Wittgenstein)

3. The association is built on a democratic basis and sees its task exclusively and directly in accordance with the Non-Profit Ordinance etc.

4. The association is politically and religiously independent.

5. The purpose of the association should be achieved through the following:
a) Procuring, providing and arranging work equipment, work materials and workstations.
b) Organize and support events such as performances, exhibitions, information and demonstrations.
c) to write, reproduce and distribute reports.