EN – Instructions, Manual and System Requirements on CD-ROM Bosslet Archive , 2nd Edition by Atelierbegegnung Dresden

Bosslet-Archives (electronic resource)
(CD-ROM for PC)
works, essays, reviews 1979-2001;
Index of Works from 1979 bis 2001
2th fully revised edition; Gallery Version.

The Bosslet Archives CD-ROM contains an index of Works from 1979 to 2001 comprising over 2500 images and 200 texts ion Eberhard Bosslet from catalogues, art magazines, newspapers as well as interviews with the artist.
You can brows and select the complete collection using numerous categories and terms. You get an overview and precise information about specific works by a simple mouse-click.

Recent exhibitions exquisitely illustrated
Work categories for example, sculpture, installation, painting, photograph
Series for example, supporting measures, pneumatic pieces, strapping pieces
Dimensions for example, up to 1 square metre, up to 5 square metres or up to 0.5 cubic meters, up to 1 cubic metre
One man shows
Group shows
Cities of origin, or exhibition venues
Register of location of the illustration
Producers and suppliers

Optimum quality can only be had with a 1024x768 pixel resolution in True Color (24 bit color depth)
The following minimum configuration is recommended:
166 Mhz Pentium processor, 32 MB RAM, 4 speed CD-ROM drive, 4 MB graphic board (suitable for True Color), a 17" color monitor.
Consult the chapter on resolution and color depth settings in your computer manual or the documents that accompanied your graphic board and try to adjust the settings (of the graphic board) accordingly. With a color depth of only 256 colors, the pictures can only be shown with quality limitations; it is not possible to operate the program with 16 colors.
Using the program is easy if you read this short introduction through once.

1. Start your PC with the Windows operation system and close all applications in use.
2. If you use a virus recognition program, please remember to deactivate it.
3. Place the CD-ROM BOSSLET ARCHIVE in the CD-ROM drive.
4. For Windows 3.1x: In the Windows Program Manager select Run from the file menu. Place the mouse cursor in the Command Line file and enter the designation of the disk drive (usually D) where the Bosslet Archive is to be installed.
For Windows 95,98,NT 4.0: ME, XP. Click on setup.exe and follow the instructions.
5. Enter the designation of the disk drive in which the BOSSLET ARCHIVE is to be installed. RAM required: 5 MB.
6. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
7. To start the program select BOSSLET ARCHIVES.
8. No password is required to log-in, just click on ok.
9. The CD-ROM must be kept in the CD-drive while the images are being accessed.

Selection is made by moving the mouse to the desired term (colored lettering) or a control area (grey square with lettering, also called button) and then clicking on it with the mouse. In this sense, the paintings too are "buttons"; their size can be altered by mouse click (small, medium, large, zoom) .
Each screen contains a back button with which you can return to the level you just
left. By pressing this button three times at the most, you can return to the beginning.
You can also return to the beginning by pressing the button to main menu.
Once you have started the program, the first screen shows you the available choice of categories according to which you can search the catalogue of works. You click on the desired term (for example, work category) to get to the next level, that of the list of work categories. From there you proceed to the level of the respective survey of reproductions:

This contains all the pictures belonging to the selected term. You can navigate through using forward and back. When you have decided on one picture, you can get an enlarged, more detailed view of it by clicking on it. From this enlarged view you can still navigate through the selected pictures using forward and back.
On the left of the respective reproduction is all the relevant information on the work. By clicking the underlined terms in the text, you get to the respective surveys, for example, of materials or exhibition venues.
You can get an enlarged, more detailed view of the chosen image by clicking on it, with a further click you can reduce it again, or you can zoom in on it using the right mouse button.
In the picture survey mode you can put together a personal choice of pictures taken from all the categories by clicking on the picture with the right mouse button.